
Books and newsletters for engineering leaders (managers, directors)

May 29, 2024 | 3 min read

I’m sometimes asked by team members about books recommendations. So I’ve wrote here my recommendations. Books and newsletters are classified by management levels for which they match the most. It doesn’t mean that EM shouldn’t read books for SEM or ED: this will likely be useful. But it may be more effective to move to the next level books only when all books/newsletters from current levels look too boring and easy.

Resources here are only about leadership, management, business and related topics. Engineering knowledge is extremely critical for engineering leaders but it’s a topic for another article.

Engineering Manager (EM)



Senior Engineering Manager (SEM)



Engineering Director+ (ED+)



How to Learn

It may look unimportant but some simple techniques of learning can make huge impact on learning efficiency. See more on that article.

© 2024
Denis Isaev

Hi, I'm Denis. If you're looking to reach out to me, here are the ways. Also, I'm available for mentorship and coaching.
